Jimmy and I absolutely like the photos. The photos are very nice and beautiful. I like the 2nd photos very much (=> blue sky + sea + green grass + your photos angle, so nice!!!!)
We also enjoyed the photo-taking time with you and Cheong. Unlike the "traditional wedding photographer company", your are not very commerical and we feel very relax and enjoyable. Anyway, "PERFECT" is the best word to describe you and your photographer team.
Thanks again for you and Cheong to take this memorable wedding photos for us.
Feel good......
Hi Calvin,
Jimmy and I absolutely like the photos. The photos are very nice and beautiful. I like the 2nd photos very much (=> blue sky + sea + green grass + your photos angle, so nice!!!!)
We also enjoyed the photo-taking time with you and Cheong. Unlike the "traditional wedding photographer company", your are not very commerical and we feel very relax and enjoyable. Anyway, "PERFECT" is the best word to describe you and your photographer team.
Thanks again for you and Cheong to take this memorable wedding photos for us.
Claren and Jimmy
Lawrence Tsang
Hi Claren and Jimmy,
Really happy to know that you like the photos. I enjoyed sharing my time with you two as well. Let's take more pics on your coming wedding day!
see you around~
想問你係咪只提供攝影服務. 車/衫/化妝就要客人自己搵? 咁咪會好煩囉?
Hi Pushpa,
相信你是想問有關於婚紗攝影服務的詳情, 我的服務一般除了攝影, 是沒有包括其他項目的。這樣對客人來說, 可能會帶來些不方便, 但從另一方面看, 如果可以請到自己結婚當日的化妝師在拍攝當日化妝, 不是更能得到自己想要的嗎? 而且婚紗方面, 我亦不能像那些專門租婚紗的公司有這麼多這麼新的選擇, 所以有此選擇。
如想對本公司的服務有更多了解, 可隨時致電 8202-1302 或電郵到 info@luis-gallery.com 查詢。
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